This morning was horrible. He didn't care that I had treats or what they were (even spit some out that I tried to give him! NOT normal), spent the whole walk pulling towards trees and refusing to go faster than a snails pace. ALL he wants to do is take his time and smell every grain of dirt and every leaf. ALL I want to do is be able to take him for a long walk at a decent pace. About 2 blocks from my house I put the clicker and treats away and tried to keep us at a slow walk. I was frustrated and trying to train would have accomplished nothing.
I am realizing that Frodo is farther from my ideal dog than I thought. The reactivity was what I used to view as our biggest problem, but his lack of activity and want to train is by far much harder for me to deal with. I think I was fine with it before because that was everything Izzy loved to do, so I just spent time training and walking her, and then giving Frodo as much as he wanted. Now he is the only dog I have to work on those things and really, he just isn't all that interested.
I thought a lot about a next dog while we were out snailing around, and I realized that I have no interest in getting a puppy from a breeder or going through a shelter. The next dog I get I want to know the exact dog that they are before I take them on. This is the type of dog I would need anyway having Frodo. But I want a dog who loves to train, loves fetching and long walks/hikes, and who I can compete with. I would rather take on another reactive dog than a really lazy, uninterested dog. Don't get me wrong, I love Frodo, but living with a dog that isn't what you want can be hard.
I realize that he could potentially become more like the dog I want. It's not like he hates training or anything, and for the most part he is food motivated, but I love dogs who go bonkers when you get out the clicker and who offer behaviors out of the blue. I'll keep working with Frodo, obviously, but I can't help but spend hours on Petfinder and rescue sites, knowing I can't have another dog for quite some time.
Hopefully the rest of the day is a little better. As soon as I get my first paycheck I am going to make an appointment to get Frodo completely checked out and make sure it's nothing physical that is causing some of this. I am going to make sure they check his teeth, since he spit out treats this morning.
Just a couple of thoughts. You mentioned before that Frodo needs to diet. That might be part of his slowness. He may be uncomfortable. Or it really may just be who he is. As for finding the right next dog, I would thing that the dog you are looking for would be best coming from a breeder. A breeder is going to best be able to match you with the dog you need. Maybe a retired show dog who is looking for a new job?
But yes its horribly dissappointing when the fit is not right. But keep trying, maybe you just havent found the thing that puts the spark in both of your eyes.
Thanks for the reply Dawn!
I have thought of both his weight and the heat as reasons for his slowness. Though it hasn't been all that hot out, and he is not hugely overweight by any means. I don't believe that it is because he is actually tired either, the other day we got back from a moseying walk and he frapped around the coffee table for a good 45 seconds. I don't know whether he is bored during walks (despite my attempts to keep him engaged!), or he really just enjoys sniffing trees and going slow. I feel like he is 4 going on 15, I'm not ready for him to be old yet!
For my next dog it will either be an older breeder rehome or a dog in rescue that has been living in a foster home for a while so they have a good grasp on personality. I would really like a stable, sound dog next though, so I feel like a breeder would probably be the best bet. That is definitely a ways into the future though!
Oh, I feel you. Sometimes, I really wish my dog wasn't reactive. It's hard when you want to do things, but are limited by your dog. Like flyball. I really want to play, but it's not a good sport for Maisy, for so many reasons.
I would definitely get a full medical check. A four year old corgi should have SOME pep. But I'd also give Frodo some time, too. It's only been a few days, and you'll need to adjust to each other again. Changes in routine really make a difference with my dog. Time spent building the relationship will hopefully yield more of that desire to train/spend time with you.
So far as refusing treats- that sounds like it could be stress to me, although I think you're right to check teeth/mouth, too.
Of course, this could be who Frodo is, too. In which case, we're back where we began, and I'm sorry you feel like there's a mismatch going on. :(
Thanks Crystal. You could be right about adjustment time, I hadn't even thought about it, but we haven't even been back a week yet. Plus I have been having him work a lot, basically all of his meals are coming from walks or interactive toys. Maybe it is time to back off and give him some freebies. I guess I am just overzealous to have him back and get started working. I think I may try doing some more tug/play games and spending time brushing and more hands on things than just training. More bonding activities. Thanks, I hadn't really been thinking of that!
I wouldn't say he doesn't want to spend time with me. He lays next to me most of the time I am on the computer and he sleeps with me. I guess I am more disappointed that he is not as excited about training as I am, haha.
And if this is who he is, then that is going to be fine too. If it is I will honestly probably be thankful when I am back in school and working in MN! I made bigger plans for us than we are going to be able to fulfill this summer.