You would have thought I had run him 18 miles before our second walk today. He was really slow and acting a little weird. Just not that interested in earning treats or moving faster than a mosey. I don't know if we just overdid the exercise today or if he was mentally done for the day or what was going on, but it worried me. I stopped with the Premack (arggg, consistency!) and just walked...shuffled....him home when he started to act slower and less responsive.
We did see a dog on the way back and he was able to keep focused and even sat when asked. I don't know if the reaction was small because he was tired or what, but I was quite impressed. He woofed a little and growled a little, but it was far from a full blown reaction. The dog was across the street and was growling at Frodo, so I would say he handled himself quite well. I won't count on it happening again though.
Now he is absolutely zonked out on my bed, dead to the world. Tomorrow I think I am just going to drive him to the park and let him get as much exercise as he chooses on his long line. The last thing I need right now is a hurt dog! Maybe I can at least get some outside pictures with that plan.
Also I need to trim his nails and he needs to go on a D-I-E-T.
Good luck on the nails! I've had done them if I could stand the screaming and kicking. Also, I apologiz4e for his weight, I had him at a cup of ToTW a day but apparently that was too much.
I wouldn't say he gained any weight since leaving here, before he left I had a lot on my plate (not a good excuse, I know) and let exercise slide a bit. And I don't blame you about the nails, I hate doing it. It's an art that my mom and I have down pretty well, but it's still not fun for anybody.