He's never been the best dog with the clicker. He tends to get frustrated and lose focus and attention easily. The treats must be doled out quickly, he's not much for hanging around and offering behaviors and really trying to make me click. If he gets frustrated his default is to sit there and bark at me. Not exactly productive. I think this is another reason why I have a hard time with training him, he has really scattered focus and I have a hard time sticking to a plan.
I think for now I am going to stop working on mat work and desensitizing him to the clippers/dremel. Instead I am going to work on building focus and see if I can get him to start working for a click and being more interested in food.
Goals for the rest of May (I realize we don't have much time left!):
-Charge the clicker
-Building focus/attention
-Trying to get Frodo more interested in training/actually trying to make me click
-Continue low distraction LLW work
-FUN STUFF (aka: building our relationship)
If anyone has any suggestions for the 2nd and 3rd goal, it would be greatly appreciated. I will look for some programs tomorrow before work. I know that I will have to reduce the time I spend training and reward more.
Have you played the box game with him before? If you have and didn't get anywhere with it, I suggest revisiting it. If he is just one to stare at you, start in the hallway with the box between you and him. And THROW the treats! If you're tossing treats behind him then you can always be clicking something since he is always going to be in motion. Even if he is walking towards the box only to be come to you, he is still taking a step towards the box! When you have a high rate of reinforcement you can start alternating having him come back to you to get the treat after you click, and having to chase it down. It takes a few sessions, but it really helps so much to throw treats and thus get the dog starting to understand that he can MAKE you click.
Thanks Laura! I haven't played the box game with him before, though I know exactly what you are talking about. I will definitely try throwing the treats and playing the game as soon as I get the clicker charged again and I will let you know how it goes!