Frodo went swimming...
...and hated it.
(OMG airplane ears, HAHAHA!)
Mollie went swimming...
...and had the time of her life.
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Ooohh poor Frodo! Look at that look on his face! lol Are you guys going again? Maybe after a couple of times he'll learn to like it? Swimming is such a great exercise option for dogs!
We've gone a few times, and I can take him every Sunday after our weekly walk. He doesn't like it, and I doubt he will ever like it, but it's one of those "it's good for you and you're not going to die, so you're doing it" kind of things. Especially his breed and the tendency toward back problems, a 15 minute swim every week isn't going to ruin his life. :p
Mollie, at 11 (12 in November!), LOVES swimming so she goes whenever I help out with other swims, which is at least once a week. At her age, I love that she loves it. We open the gate and off she goes!
Hahaha! Unamused Corgi is unamused!