It's not all training/behavior related, she has everything from TTouch, nutrition, wolves, cats, performance issues, etc.
I want to keep track of what I am reading and watching, and if it's on the blog I will know where to find it! I also plan on taking notes on everything. Like I said previously, I am treating this the same as I would taking classes in college.
Round 1
*The Language of Dogs - Blue Dog Training and Behavior
*Body Postures - Animal Care Training
*Cujo Meets Pavlov, Classical Conditioning for On-Leash Aggression - Kathy Sdao
*Dog Talk, Exploring Shelter Dog Behavior - Pat Miller
*Clicker Training for Aggression - Donna Duford
*Analyzing & Modifying Canine Aggressive Behavior - Suzanne Helts and Nancy Williams
*Aggression in Dogs - Brenda Aloff
*Doggy Play, Social Behavior, Friendliness, Fighting & Biting - Ian Dunbar
*Applied Ethology: Some Basic Principals of Ethology and Psychology - Erich Klinghammer
*Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog - John Paul Scott and John L Fuller
*Canine Body Language - Brenda Aloff
*Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training Vol. 1 Adaptation and Learning - Steven R Lindsay
*Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training Vol. 2 Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems - Steven R Lindsay
*Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training Vol. 3 Procedures and Protocols - Steven R Lindsay
I went into the search telling myself that I was going to focus first on body language and behavior, because if I can't communicate with a dog and understand what they are saying, how am I supposed to help them? Then of course I started looking through the list and anything with the word aggression in it caught my eye and mysteriously ended up on the list! Then I nabbed a few shelter dog ones as I am planning on starting to volunteer at a shelter as soon as I find one that I think I can do some real work and make a difference in, so that type of information would be handy too!
I think I am most looking forward to the 3 volume Lindsay books as they look and seem to read like textbooks, and I have a strange obsession with textbooks! They seem difficult but Silke didn't seem to think that they would be over my head.
Can't wait to get started!!
Also, since my last post I have decided that this house is not going to be adding another canine member anytime soon!
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