-Car rides! Frodo and I should start going on car rides at least once, and preferably twice, a day. This will not only warm up my car so it doesn't act like it's dying whenever I do need to start it, but I also think it will help Frodo get acclimated to riding in the back of the car without me again. I am hoping it will also help him to settle in the car, because as it is he doesn't like to sit still while in the car, though he doesn't seem particularly stressed and he likes getting in the car.
-Training! I feel as though I should be doing at least three short training sessions a day. Right now our current endeavor is trying to teach Frodo to fetch. Not a formal fetch, just a play fetch. We are following the steps that Never Say Never Greyhounds has been posting on their blog. We are on Step 1 and Frodo is sort of offering teeth grabs. He likes to try and get away with just nose bumping it, though he is all for a game of actual tug if the treats go away so I know it's not a pain thing. We have also been continuing muzzle training, though only sparingly as I want his nose to heal so the muzzle isn't painful at all.
-52 Weeks of Chazhound Dogs! I am in charge of a group called 52 Weeks of Chazhound Dogs where each week some of the members of a forum I belong to post a picture of whatever theme I give them. While I have time I should sit down with a calendar and start writing down the themes in advance so I don't get stuck when it is time for the next weeks theme! I will also be posting my own submissions every Saturday, since the week ends on Friday.
-Recall! This is something Frodo is in serious need of learning. Recently manymuddypaws posted her way of teaching a recall and it sounded easy enough. The first step is to associate Name = Cookie by calling the dog from around the house and giving them a treat every time they come when you call their name. And they should come running every single time because they know they are going to get a treat every single time! Right? RIGHT?? Wrong. I tried playing this with Frodo while I was loading/unloading the dishwasher. I would call him from a few feet away and he would come over and get his cookie. We did this about 7 or 8 times, each time with a reward, and then on the next time he just decided he wasn't coming back. *sigh* So now I am thinking I need to decrease criteria and treat him like a puppy and only call him when he is already on his way to me, and use a recall word instead of his name as well, because I think he has learned quite well to ignore it.
-Going out and leaving Frodo at the house with strange people! He will be crated and the people in the house will ignore him and they will have my number so they can call me and I will zip back if he starts out of control barking. Yesterday when I went to a job interview Ryan's mom got home before I did and she said that he barked while she was getting groceries from the car, but when she was in the house he was fine. Great news for me!
Overall, over the past two days Frodo has really settled into Ryan's parent's house. Two nights ago he actually crawled into one of Ryan's sister's laps, which is huge as he didn't even want them petting him earlier this week. He doesn't even react to Ryan's dad anymore, just wants to sniff him then move on. I'm really grateful about this, because it had been extremely stressful for me to spend all day away from people locked in a room and try and navigate the house with Frodo when he would react to everyone but Ryan and I.
Now I just need to get up the will to take Frodo on these car rides....mrrg.
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