Today, Frodo turns 5 years old! I can't believe I have had him this long already, though I also can't remember the peace that came along with NOT having him, though that doesn't sound like a nice thing to say on his birthday!
This morning Frodo went to his first shaping class and had zero reactions. Met (any by met I mean did hand touches and took treats from) Crystal, Megan, and Elizabeth without any reactions or signs of being stressed. Awesome! He also did not react to any of the dogs that were there, even though he was in a completely new place and has never met any of them before. Had you told me a year ago that he would be able to do this I probably would have laughed at you....a lot.
Anyway, last night Ryan and I made Pumpkin dog muffins for his impending birthday! And here are the pictures...
Frodo looking depressed and wondering when he is going to get food...
And pumpkin!
Birthday boy gets to lick the spatula!
Ryan tries to alter the recipe...
JUST KIDDING (of course!)
Mix it all up...
Failed attempt at a good shot of Frodo and I.
Put 'em in the oven... *drumroll*...
...and you get MUFFINS!!
(All of the photo credit goes to my lovely boyfriend Ryan, except for the alcohol picture and the last picture of close up muffins, I can take credit for those!)
Anywho, the reason I don't have any pictures of him eating any are because most of them went to his classmates (cause he surely doesn't need that many snacks!), and he had a lot of other treats at class today and I didn't want to upset his stomach. Plus if I wait until tomorrow then it gives me another blog post!
Happy Birthday Frodo! It was great to meet him today! :)