It was basically an overview of what a six week course in nosework would be. We started with just introducing the dogs to food in boxes and having them find the food box (which had free food in it so they could self-reward) from a bunch of boxes. Added more boxes. Added other items and elements like cones and brooms and umbrellas and a bunch of different stuff that we could hide the food in. Then took away the boxes and only did hides in the other items. Moved from self-rewarding to hiding tupperware with holes in the top or bait bags so that the handler had to reward.
Frodo did really well. He isn't quite scenting or really using his nose as much as he is just moving from item to item in order to find the food, but I think he was having a good time. There were some dogs there that really just seemed to *get it* from the very beginning. I think it will just take time.
His behavior was exemplary! At the beginning he barked a bit in the crate but once he settled in I was able to go to the bathroom, stand up at the ring gates, and even go outside for a car demo without him throwing a fit! He even fell asleep and I had to wake him up in order to do our last run. Part of it was definitely the setup, I didn't see two dogs meet the whole day I don't think. That's Silke for you though, and one of the reasons I love working with her so much.
I am really hoping that within the next few weeks we can get a class going with the nosework. I want to get started! I am going to do some at my house but really it is so small that getting a lot of stuff to work with is going to be difficult. If Silke doesn't have anything soon I am going to see if I can use the doggy daycare after hours for some practice.
Overall it was a great day and we both came home and took a very long nap!
(Video will be in the next post.)
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