I'm in Minnesota now on vacation, and it feels so much like home for me. I can't wait to be back here for good. But it also means I have a lot of work to do before moving out here.
For one, we will be living with a friend who has two adorable cats. One is pretty much like Inky, he is large, rock-like, and will stand up to dogs. He won't be an issue. His name is also Topham, like the train from Thomas the tank engine. Then there is Nado (Fortunado), who is tiny, squirrel like, and has never met a dog before. He is what I am worried about, because even though Frodo won't hurt a cat, he will chase a running cat and I don't want Nado to have to be scared of him.
I plan on tethering for quite a while, not only for the sake of the cats, but because I need to put a kibosh on the counter surfing and Frodo wanting to be on the couch. He tends to show more resource guarding behaviors toward other animals while on the couch, so when we move he is not allowed on any furniture except for my bed.
We will also be beefing up our crate work (and buying the biggest crate I can find) so that he can be crated when I am gone. This shouldn't be too bad, my biggest worry is that he will bark when Giuseppe (roomie/house owner) is home and I am gone, simply because he can hear someone in the house.
I'm also not looking forward to learning a new neighborhood, where I live now I know what houses have dogs, I know where loose dogs are most likely to be, and I am going to have to re-learn all of that at the new place. Giuseppe told me that he took a walk around the neighborhood and at one house there was a bulldog that was slamming itself against the window to try and get to him, and he wasn't even in their yard or anything, just walking on the sidewalk. Issues like that worry me. I will definitely be investing in some doggy mace and walking with something I can fend dogs off with for a while.
Overall though, I am excited to be back in the Twin Cities and can't wait to call it home again. With my dog this time. He is going to HATE the winter, but he will live. The basement of the house is also going to make a perfect training area, it is huge and open and you can stand upright. I have a feeling we will be doing a lot of Nosework this winter to keep me sane. Anybody have any suggestions for matted flooring that it inexpensive that I could put down? I think it is just hardwood or something down there now. I go and look at the place tomorrow and will know better then.
Yeah, January is the wrong time to move to Minnesota!! But! There are cool dog people here. :)
Last time I moved to MN it was in January too. lol
Right now it is looking like it will be mid-December, though that is not exactly optimum either!
And yes, cool dog people will definitely dull the chill of winter :p
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in PA, where I am now. :)
So, how in the world did you end up in Minnesota?