Watching them made me sad because I realize that Frodo can't participate in that kind of environment. No matter how much his reactivity improves, he will never be a dog park dog. And that is fine, I can deal with that. I just wish I could take him to that kind of area and let him run off leash. There are a few secluded areas where I can do this in PA, but in Minneapolis places like these are never empty and I can't take the chance of having someone coming in while Frodo is running around.
My main concern is that he won't get enough exercise when he is in Minneapolis if he can't run at all. So my new plan....I am going to attempt to learn to run. Because as of right now, I fail at running. Completely. I prefer to bike for a whole lot of reasons. You get to see more, you don't feel so hot because of the wind, it doesn't kill your legs, it's harder to look like a loser, etc. But if it's better for Frodo I will give it the old college try. There are so many beautiful trails here, it would be a shame not to take Frodo to them.
Since I have a long history of being a horrible runner and giving up after one day I am going to try this method. I have done a bunch of searches on how to get started and the general consensus is that The Couch to 5k Running Plan is the best method. I won't be starting this plan until I move back to PA though, because right now I am going to enjoy the bike that Ryan loaned to me as much as possible. Plus I figure Frodo and I can condition together. I mean the first week is alternating between 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes, how hard can that be?
I am going to die.
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