But seeing as how I don't consider myself to be completely rude, here are the cliff notes...
- Bought cutest puppies ever from"breeder," should have known better.
- Attempted to socialize puppies with a very basic, flawed idea of socialization.
- Puppies end up insecure, fear reactive, ill-mannered, etc.
- Rehomed Frodo's sister for a myriad of reasons which I'm not going to dredge up, this is a blog about Frodo.
- Frodo gets shipped off to North Carolina to stay with Liz (a friend, aliases include Corgipower and CP, among others) while I go to college at the University of Minnesota...in Minnesota.
- I'm going back to Pennsylvania for the summer and working on all of the issues I've ignored with Frodo before August, when he is moving back to Minneapolis with me.
- The End.
I thought about typing out all of Frodo's issues, but that seems like work and this is supposed to be an introduction. I'll save that for the next post, have to keep the suspense up somehow!
Now....obligatory pictures!!
3 months old
I read all of the posts you've made so far... in one sitting! I'm excited to hear about Frodo's progress this summer, and I look forward to meeting him in the fall.
He just wants to come play "up north" a lot... he told Buzz that, because apparently both of them use the computer now. I need better security!
I agree with Megan- I've read a bunch of your entries and enjoyed them. Frodo is adorrrrrable with a side of cute, and I look forward to reading (and seeing!) more of him!
Wow, I read my comments :p
Megan, tell Buzz he always tell other dogs that, then he gets together and realizes he doesn't actually talk much dog ._.
Thanks Crystal, I'm glad someone is reading besides people I've actually met :p
I'm a sucker for a corgi. And reactive dogs.