Last night I broke them out to work on his retrieve and he couldn't even focus because he thought they were so tasty and he needed to have them all RIGHT NOW! I'd hold my hand out with a ball in it (something we have done before) and his reaction was something along the lines of:
*offer paw* *offer paw* *offer paw* *barkbarkbark!* *offer paw* *offer paw* "hey there's a ball!" *pick up ball* *offer paw* get the idea.
I think these are going to be our recall treats :)
Additionally, today on our afternoon walk we were walking through a parking lot and a man came through a door, which usually makes Frodo more cautious because he knows something is coming but can't see it, and walked parallel to us. He said "hi puppy" and I simply asked Frodo to stay with me and he didn't seem tense or weary or anything! I was most pleased.
Then about 30 seconds later some idiot was cutting across the parking lot in front of us and decided to bark at Frodo (I have had multiple people do this over the years and I will never understand it. Why do people bark at random dogs in public?!), but he held himself together so well and got lots of super yummy treats for it! He was definitely alert to the man, but didn't bark or growl or whine at all. Good boy!
Also I took some pictures of Frodo in the leaves today out on our walk with the camera Ryan let me have after mine bit the dust (RIP awesome P&S), but I need to buy a card reader before I can upload them. Fail.
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