Last week (#2) he didn't have any reactions at all. There were two new dogs there, a sheltie and an ACD, both of which he seemed to want to approach in a very calm way. I didn't allow him to though, he may be ready to actually meet dogs, but I'm certainly not! We were there early, as usual, and when the sheltie showed up they played frisbee in the field across the street, and even the running and barking didn't seem to phase Frodo all that much. The walk went well too, he really isn't stressed by the other dogs being there at all, and would even stop and sniff around while knowing that another dog was coming up behind us.
Then yesterday (week #3) he did just as well! I got up late and there were already some people at the grounds when I pulled up, which worried me because I've never gotten him out of the car with other dogs around before. He did get a little growly but wasn't pulling or barking. I ignored the slight growling and just headed in the other direction and he reoriented to me as soon as we started moving.
We did have one reaction and that came when we had to move through a doorway type setup in order to get from the actual fairgrounds to the parking of the fairgrounds. Frodo and I were going through fine when the dog behind us started barking (that dog is learning to settle down and be calm when not in the front of the group), causing Frodo to spin and growl/bark. Fortunately as soon as I got him moving forward again he pretty much dropped the whole issue and went on as if nothing had ever happened!! No sign of stress, no taking treats harder, no spooking at insignificant sounds, he just went on his merry way!!
Even my trainer commented on how quickly he was able to bounce back and continue on as if nothing had happened in the first place. A month ago that would have been impossible!
I am so proud of him!
Also, these past two weeks after the walk my trainer and I have been taking Frodo back to the doggy daycare and taking him swimming in their new 4ft pool. I wouldn't say that he loves it, but even yesterday as opposed to the first week he showed much improvement. The first week I had to pick him up and place him in the water and then he would swim. Yesterday, with the help of some food, we got him to go down the ramp without help, though he would only go as far as he could reach with his front paws, and then we had to help him to actually leave the ramp and swim. I have so much fun doing it, even if it's not Frodo's favorite activity!
So happy to hear about Frodo's progress! :) The fact that he is recovering faster is also a big deal!!! You two are getting there, keep up the good work!!
There are definitely days where I get frustrated and feel like we are not making progress, but then there are days like Sunday when I feel like he is making great strides!